
Adding Page Transitions in Flash Catalyst

Adding Page Transitions in Flash Catalyst from Paul Trani on Vimeo. In this video you’ll see how easy it is to add some simple cross fade and animation moves from page to page in Flash Catalyst. Download Source Files

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Roundtrip Graphic Editing with Flash Catalyst

Roundtrip Graphic Editing with Flash Catalyst from Paul Trani on Vimeo. In this video you’ll learn how to update Flash Catalyst graphics using Illustrator and Photoshop. Download Source Files

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From Illustrator to Interactive Using Flash Catalyst

From Illustrator to Interactive Using Flash Catalyst from Paul Trani on Vimeo. In this video you’ll learn how easy it is to take an Illustrator design, bring it into Flash Catalyst and add interactvity to it (using buttons and pages) all under 10 minutes. Download Source Files

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The Android Robot is Turning Flash Red!

No. Not because he’s embarrassed because he’s the fastest growing mobile platform (which he is).  That would be stupid. He’s turning red (figuratively) because he’s filled with Flash goodness allowing you to experience the full web AND create content for this OS using AIR. As of today, at Google I/O, Vic Gundotra (Google VP Engineering) announced Flash Player 10.1 and Adobe AIR 2.5 running on the Android 2.2 OS.  This means you can now develop […]

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Save Time, Reduce Errors with Code Hinting in Flash CS5

Save Time/Errors with Code Hinting in Flash CS5 from Paul Trani on Vimeo. Writing ActionScript in Flash just took a giant step forward with significant enhancements to the ActionScript editor in CS5. You can easily increase your development speed with new features such as code completion and custom class code hinting.

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Add Interactivity in Flash CS5 without Writing Code

Add Interactivity in Flash CS5 without Writing Code from Paul Trani on Vimeo. Learn how to add interactivity to your Flash file without writing code! Using the Code Snippets panel you’re able to add interactivity to your Flash file and even save your own ActionScript code for later use.

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Allowing Multiple People to Work on the Same Flash File

Allowing Multiple People to Work on the Same Flash File from Paul Trani on Vimeo. Flash Professional CS5 has a new uncompressed XML-based file format called XFL.  Why is this great?  Because it allows multiple people to work on different aspects of the same file!  As the video shows, one person could be engineering the audio, another could be updating the images while a third works on the code in the project.  No more waiting […]

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Using InDesign CS5 Content in Flash Professional CS5

Using InDesign CS5 Content in Flash CS5 from Paul Trani on Vimeo. Flash is of course a great product on its own. But if you’re a print designer you’re probably more comfortable in InDesign and probably have content in there already.  Well, InDesign CS5 not only has the capabilities to add buttons and animation, but it also has the ability to save out an FLA file to be opened in Flash CS5 while maintaining the […]

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Text Layout Framework in Flash Professional CS5

Text Layout Framework in Flash Professional CS5 from Paul Trani on Vimeo. If you’ve ever used text in Flash you know that it gets the job done but might not control the text to the extent InDesign controls text.  Well, Flash Professional CS5 takes a huge leap forward in giving you options and rendering text in such a way all typographers will rejoice.  Using what is called the Text Layout Framework (TLF) you can now […]

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Flash Player on Tablet Devices

Imagine taking a Flash project and porting it to the web, desktop and even tablet devices.  The Flash platform has got you covered. View on AdobeTV.com

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