No. Not because he’s embarrassed because he’s the fastest growing mobile platform (which he is).  That would be stupid. He’s turning red (figuratively) because he’s filled with Flash goodness allowing you to experience the full web AND create content for this OS using AIR. As of today, at Google I/O, Vic Gundotra (Google VP Engineering) announced Flash Player 10.1 and Adobe AIR 2.5 running on the Android 2.2 OS.  This means you can now develop apps (using AIR for Android) using Adobe’s public beta SDK just released, as well as experience Flash content on devices running Android 2.2. Anyone interested in building Android applications using the Flash Platform is welcome to join this program to get access to the beta SDK. You will have access to a new extension available in Flash Professional CS5 that adds a new AIR for Android publish setting available in Flash Professional CS5.  Very exciting!

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