
Just Released on Lynda.com: Creating a Portfolio Website in Flash CS4

Just release today!  The thing I love most about this title is the fact that the gallery is XML driven.  Which means you don’t have to open Flash and publish an swf anytime you want to update your portfolio.  Other cool features include: Displaying a random background on each page visit Adding unique ActionScript animation Implementing a video portfolio Portfolio that includes description and title per image Plus, one thing the description on lynda.com doesn’t […]

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Spartacus in Augmented Reality

Recently worked on an augmented reality project to promote Spartacus: Blood and Sand.  We’re using video with alpha channels and pushing two videos through at once to provide the depth.  You can check it out here.

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Latest Lynda.com Title: Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional!

My latest lynda.com title is “Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional” is now live! Check it out! Description: Information on how to learn Flash is prevalent, but it can be frustrating to understand how to make an entire working web site using this unique technology. Here’s a course that cuts through the clutter and offers practical tools for creating a dynamic web site, even for first-time developers. In Creating a First Web […]

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