
Customizing Video and Syncing Graphics in Flash CS5

In this tutorial you will see how easy it is to bring video and graphics together for a seamless, custom experience using Flash Professional CS5.  Learn how to import video, apply a custom skin, or create your own video buttons without writing any ActionScript code. Then learn how to add cue points, making synchronization between video and graphics a snap. Open the Starter Files Download the exercise file for this tutorial here and unzip it […]

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New Lynda.com Course: Creating a Website with Flash Pro CS5

Creating Your First Web Site with Flash Professional CS5 shows how to make a fully functional, dynamic web site in Flash Professional CS5. This course covers the fundamentals of creating and importing content, adding smooth 2D and 3D transitions, and adding button functionality that goes beyond links. This course will also show how to integrate and control video and audio as well as how to implement a gallery and a contact form. Exercise files are […]

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eSeminar: Creating Multiscreen Content using Flash Professional CS5

Today I did an Ask A CS Pro session on designing and developing multiscreen content where I went through how to develop Flash content for web, desktop, and for mobile devices.  Starting out with an overview of design considerations as well as important optimization techniques so your content plays exceptional regardless of platform. Also, I showed how to adjust content regardless of screen size as well as how to take advantage of specific functionality on […]

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ActionScript Made Easy

Lets face it, writing ActionScript in Flash has never been its strong suit.  New users had to face a dauntingly empty Actions panel, and advanced users had to pillage previous projects to speed development. Flash CS5 has changed all this starting with the introduction of the surprisingly easy Code Snippets panel, advanced code hinting and custom class introspection.  Lets take a tour of these new features. Open the Starter File Download the exercise file for […]

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OnDemand: Going Multiscreen with the Flash Platform

Last week I participated in the eSeminar series “Going Multiscreen with the Flash Platform”and some of the presentations have been recorded and assets uploaded.  All are worth watching, (especially Thibault’s on optimizing web content). Best Practices in Optimizing Web Content Thibault Imbert: @thibault_imbert, http://www.bytearray.org Slides Recording: Coming soon The Quickest Way to Build Cross-Platform Apps with AIR 2 Paul Trani and Bruce Hopkins (BlogRadio): @podblogr, http://www.podblogr.com Assets and Recording Rich Internet App Development with Flash […]

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New Lynda.com Course: Animation in Flash CS5

Flash has many strengths, but its top two have to be animation and interactivity. In this title I show how to tackle the former allowing you to create engaging, eye-catching animation. So whether you’re making a Flash banner, animated graphics for a site, or a full Flash site, this title is for you. And if you’re still using the classic tween in Flash then this is a perfect title to transition to the motion tween […]

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Creating Components in Flash Catalyst

Creating a Scroll Panel in Flash Catalyst from Paul Trani on Vimeo. In this video you’ll see how easy it is to convert your custom deigned scrollbar into a fully functional component that scrolls the content of your choice — all without writiing code! Download Source Files

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OnDemand: Building Mobile Applications: Create a Game

I delivered a presentation on creating mobile applications using Photoshop and Flash Professional CS5 as well as Device Central CS5.  The result was a game playing on a Nexus One.  The presentation is now available on demand at the link below. Building Mobile Applications: Create a Game

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