
Best Sites for Royalty-Free, Free Photos

If you are frequently using images for projects, tutorials and demos (like I am) it’s essential to have a virtual rolodex of go-to websites where you can quickly and effectively find free images. Not only that— but it’s important that you have websites in which the legal restrictions are clear and concise. Below you will find my  list of the best sites for finding free photos. All photos are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means […]

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Photoshop Bad Habits (and how to break them)

Chances are there are some things you might be doing in Photoshop, unaware that there is an easier way. In this video you’ll see some bad habits, and the more efficient way of doing things.

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How to Create a Candle Holder in Photoshop

Whether it’s a gift or just something for your home. In this video learn how to make a candle holder in Photoshop, complete with custom sides and opacity maps. Very cool. Download the free PSD here

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How to Create a Ring in Photoshop

In this video learn how to make a ring (and other jewelry) in Photoshop. Easy extrusion and warping of 3D objects to make what you want. Get the free PSD file here

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How to Create Cufflinks in Photoshop

A great gift idea for the holidays or any occasion. In this video learn how to create 3D cufflinks in Photoshop to be 3D printed through a service provider like Shapeways. Download the free PSD here.

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Creating a One-Page Scrollable Website with Muse

New! Learn how to take simple graphics, buttons, and text and give them depth and richness with scrollable effects in Adobe Muse. I will help you realize the possibilities of a one-page scrollable website—an increasingly popular site style that is both simple and elegant. Paul shows you how to add scrollable motion, animation, fades, blur, and navigation elements to your site with Muse’s design tools. Plus, learn how to add widgets like contact forms and […]

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Creating a Small-Business Website with Adobe Muse CC

Just released! Creating a Small Business Website in Adobe Muse CC! This course shows how you can easily create a compelling website for small businesses using Adobe Muse CC. Whether it’s a website for that restaurant up the street or for your own small business this course will teach you everything you need to know to make a small business look big. From creating and importing graphics that fit the brand, to setting up multiple pages […]

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Lynda.com Course: Creating a Responsive Design with Edge Reflow

My latest Lynda.com course is now live! Learn how to create responsive web designs that look and work great on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices with Edge Reflow. In this course I show how you can design a layout, add text and images plus add content from Photoshop and Illustrator, and even generate Reflow projects from Photoshop CC. Also learn how to find the “breakpoints” in your designs and decide how your layouts will reflow […]

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5 Things Developers Need to Know About Design #SXSW2014

Many people have asked for my slides from the “Design for Developers” talk I gave at SXSW Interactive for the Adobe Creative Camp. Now I did upload the slides here but the entire presentation was just too complex considering all the videos and interactive elements I used. So I decided to record my presentation for your viewing pleasure.  Feel free to leave comments. 🙂  

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