
Creating a Mobile Menu in Adobe Muse CC

Responsive web design is no longer cutting edge; it’s required. But many designers are still intimidated by the terminology and the code. Luckily, Adobe Muse makes it all very easy and visual to create a site that works and looks great across all screens. No need to worry about digging deep into HTML or CSS. This video shows how to create a mobile menu. It is one of the videos in a course I created […]

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How to Create a Responsive Site in Muse

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> Responsive web design is no longer cutting edge; it’s required. But many designers are still intimidated by the terminology and the code. Luckily, Adobe Muse makes it all very easy and visual to create a site that works and looks great across all screens. No need to worry about digging deep into HTML or CSS. So over the course of my sabbatical I recorded this course where you’ll learn […]

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Animate CC and Responsive Muse Sites

Showing you the latest in an update we had February 8th. Adobe Animate CC (formerly Flash) is showcased, as well as using that Animate content in a Muse CC responsive site (which is also covered).

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When to Use Dreamweaver, Muse, Animate, Reflow, and Brackets

Wondering what the difference is between all the Adobe web apps? What are their strengths and weaknesses? In this video see the similarities and differences of all the web apps so you can decide which is best for you. Each app has a related course so check it out!

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Creating a One-Page Scrollable Website with Muse

New! Learn how to take simple graphics, buttons, and text and give them depth and richness with scrollable effects in Adobe Muse. I will help you realize the possibilities of a one-page scrollable website—an increasingly popular site style that is both simple and elegant. Paul shows you how to add scrollable motion, animation, fades, blur, and navigation elements to your site with Muse’s design tools. Plus, learn how to add widgets like contact forms and […]

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Creating a Small-Business Website with Adobe Muse CC

Just released! Creating a Small Business Website in Adobe Muse CC! This course shows how you can easily create a compelling website for small businesses using Adobe Muse CC. Whether it’s a website for that restaurant up the street or for your own small business this course will teach you everything you need to know to make a small business look big. From creating and importing graphics that fit the brand, to setting up multiple pages […]

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New Features in Adobe Muse CC, August Update

See the latest features of Adobe Muse, including the ability to add bulleted and numbered lists with a single click, using the new Bullets, Bullet styles, and Glyphs panels. Self-hosted Web font support providing easy access to the fonts users already own, and reCAPTCHA spam protection to keep contact forms free of automated spam for sites published with any hosting provider, and more.

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Creating a One-Page Scrollable Site in Adobe Muse CC

One-page, scrollable websites are quite popular due to their simplicity and elegance. In this video I show how to make one that is dynamic with scrollable effects in Adobe Muse CC so as you scroll down the page graphics slide in and out, animations take place, even a slideshow starts playing at the right time. Check it out! And check out Adobe Muse CC.

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