
Designer/Developer Workflow Conference

Next week is what is known as D2WC. Let’s face it, most organizations has some pretty wacky workflow processes made up of legacy systems and “that’s the way we’ve always done it” thinking.  This conference is aimed at easing the pain and even making the development of a project seamless for any size team. If that isn’t enough, it’s really a good chance to get with some of the best speakers in the industry in […]

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Creating Components in Flash Catalyst

Creating a Scroll Panel in Flash Catalyst from Paul Trani on Vimeo. In this video you’ll see how easy it is to convert your custom deigned scrollbar into a fully functional component that scrolls the content of your choice — all without writiing code! Download Source Files

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Roundtrip Graphic Editing with Flash Catalyst

Roundtrip Graphic Editing with Flash Catalyst from Paul Trani on Vimeo. In this video you’ll learn how to update Flash Catalyst graphics using Illustrator and Photoshop. Download Source Files

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From Illustrator to Interactive Using Flash Catalyst

From Illustrator to Interactive Using Flash Catalyst from Paul Trani on Vimeo. In this video you’ll learn how easy it is to take an Illustrator design, bring it into Flash Catalyst and add interactvity to it (using buttons and pages) all under 10 minutes. Download Source Files

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