Next week is what is known as D2WC. Let’s face it, most organizations has some pretty wacky workflow processes made up of legacy systems and “that’s the way we’ve always done it” thinking.  This conference is aimed at easing the pain and even making the development of a project seamless for any size team.

If that isn’t enough, it’s really a good chance to get with some of the best speakers in the industry in a more personal setting in a city you’ve probably never been to (let’s face it) over some really good barbecue.

Sessions I’m personally interested in:

Killing the Transition – Seb Lee-Delisle

Flash Game Design/Development Workflow – Michael Jovel

Object Oriented Terminology for the Rest of Us – Doug Boude

Technologies & Tactics of Maximizing Your Social Media Reach – Pariah Burke

Flash Professional Workflows: Inside and Out – Paul Trani (of course I’m going to list my own session!)

Ever learn of a program feature about 3 years too late?  Think of the time wasted by what you didn’t know.  Well, this session will get you up to speed on all the ins and outs of the new features in Flash Professional CS5 as well as show you some lesser known tips and tricks that have been available all along.  Whether you’re a novice or an advanced user, you’re bound to walk away with some time-saving and creative tricks up your sleeve that you can put to immediate use.

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