Launched today is an exciting new classroom series from AdobeTV and yours truly: Basic Site Layout and Navigation in Dreamweaver CS5. In it I take you through a step by step guide for creating your first website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. Along the way I explain the basic concepts around how the web, HTML and CSS work as well as the basics of website layout, navigation and integrating media such as images, video and Flash […]
Read MoreArticles by: Paul Trani
Designing for the BlackBerry PlayBook
With the success of BlackBerry smartphones (17.5 percent of the global smartphone market share) it would be silly to not design for BlackBerry’s upcoming PlayBook tablet. But what makes the PlayBook different from other tablet devices when it comes to the design and user experience? This post takes a look at the specifics of designing for the BlackBerry PlayBook. Screen Design The screen size is 1024 x 600 pixels (display area of 6 inches x […]
Read MoreFITC Amsterdam Will Be Epic
I’m really looking forward to FITC Amsterdam this year. Not only is it my first time in Amsterdam, but there are some killer sessions I can’t wait to attend. Here’s a snapshot of the ones I’m looking forward to: Multiplatform 3D Content Development Made Easy – Tom Higgins Unity Evangelist Tom Higgins will give an overview of the award-winning Unity platform for creating games and rich 3D applications for the desktop, web, mobile devices and […]
Read MoreFlash to iOS FAQ
I’ve been asked a number of questions around publishing Flash content to iOS using the Packager for iPhone. The official Packager for iPhone FAQ is located here and is quite useful, but the purpose of this post is to expand on it to answer some specific questions: General Questions: How do we get a video to play within the app? FLV with VP6 in software @ 400kb/s or less, and around 200px wide. Full screen […]
Read MoreCreating Apps for Android Devices: An Introduction
Disclaimer Let me start off by saying that I work for Adobe so I’m probably bias (and have been for the past 15 years prior to working for Adobe). I just haven’t found better tools available that allow me to be creative. Know that my goal is to be as objective as possible. So if you feel any part seems incorrect then I’d love to hear it. Thanks! Why Android? There are different mobile platforms […]
Read MoreUsing BlackBerry PlayBook Class Files in Flash Professional
I created a video tutorial on in which I show how you can add class files to Flash Professional in order to take advantage of the BlackBerry UI and components (buttons etc.). Eventually BlackBerry will come out with support for Flash Professional CS5 (probably in terms of a publish panel) but until then these steps will work.
Read MoreFeature Tour of Flash Catalyst "Panini"
I recorded a quick tour of Flash Catalyst “Panini”. Features include: dynamic resizing of components/apps/images, updated Interactions panel, Catalyst to Builder workflow, and custom skinnable components.
Read MorePublish Your Flash CS5 App for a Free BlackBerry Playbook!
Developers who submit a qualifying BlackBerry PlayBook app that is accepted into BlackBerry App World prior to the initial product launch will receive a free BlackBerry PlayBook! Subject to certain terms and conditions of course. In light of this I thought I would record a tutorial how to turn a Flash Professional project into an app for the BlackBerry Playbook and then test it in the BlackBerry Playbook Simulator. Most of the steps are about […]
Read MoreSizing Graphics Correctly Across Screens
Gone are the days when all you had to do is make sure your graphics were 72dpi. With an influx of mobile web ready devices and tablets comes new screen sizes, resolutions and pixels per inch. You must now ensure your graphics are the right size regardless of device. Tablets are Here to Stay Starting with the iPad, tablet devices have been the device of the year. But the big question was whether it is […]
Read MoreFlash Workflow Overview: Flash Pro, Builder and Catalyst
Adobe Creative Suite supports a complete workflow, from concept to design to development, with the ability to publish to any platform, including the browser, desktop, and mobile devices. Though the Flash platform can be used to create compelling content for virtually any screen, this post focuses on only two example use cases. The first is a rich data-centric Internet application created with the Flex framework, and the second is an immersive experience delivered via Adobe […]
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