I’m really looking forward to FITC Amsterdam this year.  Not only is it my first time in Amsterdam, but there are some killer sessions I can’t wait to attend.  Here’s a snapshot of the ones I’m looking forward to:

Multiplatform 3D Content Development Made Easy – Tom Higgins

Unity Evangelist Tom Higgins will give an overview of the award-winning Unity platform for creating games and rich 3D applications for the desktop, web, mobile devices and consoles.

Making A Molehill Out Of A Mountain – Mike Jones

One of the most popular feature requests for the Flash Player has been hardware 3D support. And this session will talk about it.

Building BlackBerry PlayBook Applications with Adobe AIR – Sanyu Kiruluta

Learn how the BlackBerry Tablet OS has been built for developers from the metal up based on a unique microkernel architecture. This session will introduce the power and flexibility of the new BlackBerry® Tablet OS and is ideal for developers who want to learn how to create, package and debug applications for the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Integrating Flash and HTML 5 – Mike Chambers

In this session, Mike will give a quick overview of HTML5, and show how some of its new functionality can be leveraged by Flash developers. Topics covered will include creating Flash content in the browser that works offline, robust data storage, online / offline detection and more.

Flash On Devices – Pre Conference Workshop

This is going to be a killer session because we (myself and Tom Barclay) get to sneak a lot of features of the next version of Flash.  Sign up now to get a seat!

Flash content is appearing everywhere these days. From desktops to mobile devices to TVs. Plus, with new phones and tablets being released on a regular bases how can you take advantage of these new devices using Flash? In this workshop you will learn about this ever changing device landscape and how to leverage your skills to make Flash content for mobile devices using the next version of Flash Professional before it’s released. Sr. Product Manager of Flash Professional Tom Barclay and Adobe Evangelist Paul Trani will show you how to use next release of Flash Professional to build Flash content for multiple screens. A workshop that almost guarantees your bragging rights with your designer and developer friends. Some of the topics include:

  • Designing for Multiple Screens
  • Use new text/creation tools available
  • Tap into device specific capabilities such as the accelerometer, gestures and geolocation
  • See new ways to organize and optimize Flash content
  • Create content for Android, iOS and Blackberry Tablet OS

And you can get 10% off using this discount code: ptrani

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