Just released! Creating a Small Business Website in Adobe Muse CC!
This course shows how you can easily create a compelling website for small businesses using Adobe Muse CC. Whether it’s a website for that restaurant up the street or for your own small business this course will teach you everything you need to know to make a small business look big. From creating and importing graphics that fit the brand, to setting up multiple pages for products and services, implementing a slideshow, video, social media options, and of course a contact form. Even see how you can add a shopping cart to make money online. Lastly learn how to publish and even get the website it’s own business domain for promoting online. In this course we show:
- How to craft information that users want to read
- How to use graphics and content to make a small business look big
- Add navigation with potential customers in mind
- Add imagery that supports the business objectives
- Implement social media to drive the brand (Twitter, Facebook and YouTube)
- Implement a content form and even a shopping cart to purchase products
- Publish and add a custom business domain name