Courses Play Pause Unmute Mute Here is a list of my courses: Design a Mobile App with Adobe XDDesign a Website with Adobe XDAnimate CC for Web DesignersCreate a Responsive Site in Muse Create a Website in Dw CC 2015Create a Scrollable Site in Muse Create a Site in Dreamweaver CC 2014 Small Business Website in Muse CCSlideshows w. Edge AnimateDrag/Drop with Edge AnimateResponsive Design w. ReflowDreamweaver CC: UpdatesCreating a Site with Dw CS6Building Mobile Apps with FlashCreate a Mobile Game in Flash Flash CS5 Animation Projects Create a Site w Dreamweaver CS5Create a Portfolio in Flash CS4 Create a Website in Flash CS4Create a Site w Dreamweaver CS4Premiere Pro CS4 New FeaturesPremiere Pro CS4 Getting Started