HTML5/Web Standards

DevCon5 Presentations: Web Standards Hotness

Last week I had the honor of presenting at DevCon5 in Santa Clara. A great developer conference centered around using web standards to create dynamic user experiences. I presented two sessions. One around CSS3 and the other around HTML5 “hotness”. Below are the slide decks. I hope to have a more complete recording of the demos I did because that’s the exciting stuff. Seeing it all in action. But I guess that’s just a reason […]

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CSS3 for Advanced Design

Today I spoke at DevCon5 in NYC.  It was a blast.  The crowd was great and really intelligent. Lots of good questions about CSS and HTML 5.  I even previewed Edge. I hope to come back next year! Below are my slides and you can download my example files here. CSS3 For Advanced Design View more presentations from paultrani

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FAQ's About Dreamweaver CS5.5

After travelling around the world on the Creative Suite Evolution Tour as well as presenting at various Adobe Camps, I’ve been getting a lot questions around Dreamweaver CS5.5. Rightfully so since it has some great features and improvements.  So I thought I’d compile the questions into one post. What is Dreamweaver?  Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 is a web authoring and editing software that provides both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites for the desktop, smartphones, tablets, […]

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CSS3 Transitions

I love Flex and ActionScript but I always want to recommend the appropriate technology for the job.  Sometimes that technology is CSS3 and HTML5, which is really exciting to me. So I thought I’d post a simple CSS3 example — on the CSS3 transition property to be specific. It allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration. In this example, when you hover the mouse over the link, the background color […]

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AdobeTV: Dreamweaver Series Available

Launched today is an exciting new classroom series from AdobeTV and yours truly: Basic Site Layout and Navigation in Dreamweaver CS5. In it I take you through a step by step guide for creating your first website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.  Along the way I explain the basic concepts around how the web, HTML and CSS work as well as the basics of website layout, navigation and integrating media such as images, video and Flash […]

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Web 2.0: Raising the Bar with Cross-Device Experiences

The bar is being raised on many fronts. Consumers expect content to “be there” on their device and they expect a consistent user experience within context of the medium. Designers and developers want to be able to meet these needs without recreating content per device. In this session I show how Adobe Creative Suite 5 can create experiences for the web, desktop and mobile devices. (Use your keyboard arrow keys to advance slides)

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