
New 3D Printing Features in the August Update of Photoshop CC

Today Adobe released an update to Photoshop CC that includes new 3D printing features and enhancements designed to make it easier to create 3D printed designs and give you more printing options. This represents the third set of new and enhanced 3D printing features in Photoshop CC in 6 months since Adobe first announced 3D printing support back in January. See the blog post here.

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30 Inspiring Examples of 3D Printing

Since the first functional 3D printers were created 30 years ago they have been used to create car parts, smartphone cases, fashion accessories and even artificial organs. Not only is the technology impressive, so are the different types of materials you can print with. But I want to focus on what 3D printing can do in the hands of creatives (especially since 3D printing is now possible from Photoshop CC). I’ve highlighted a couple of areas where […]

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3D Printing: A Beginner’s Guide for Creatives

I am always looking for new ways to exploit my creativity through different technologies. From video, interactive, and mobile over the years. But 3D printing is on an entirely new level. (And the fact that I can do it in Photoshop CC is a huge bonus. Watch this video to learn how). It can almost give you a god complex of sorts as you’re able to create physical objects that have never existed before–making you […]

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3D Printing: Create an iPhone Case in Photoshop CC

In this video you’ll learn the basics of 3D in Photoshop CC. Learn how to turn a simple layer into 3D, manipulate it, use Illustrator graphics to extrude and warp, and then take those 3D graphics to be printed in the material of your choice, all from Photoshop CC. You’ll also be introduced to Strata Design 3D for simple 3D manipulation. Update: Here is the iPhone 5 case for download. Just customize it (select Edit […]

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