I’m really excited about this year’s Adobe MAX conference. A ton of sessions and keynotes and launches and creatives. It’s quite inspiring and overwhelming at the same time. It really is the one place where you can learn anything you want and get inspired at the same time. So many amazing people are going to be there. Of course I secretly want you to attend my sessions and labs. Not for selfish reasons, I just know they’re going to be both informative and inspiring and flat out rock. So below are my sessions and labs. A few are already full so sign up now so you’ll have a spot. And afterward we can go get a drink before your head explodes. 🙂

S2589 - 3D Printing 101

3D printing with Photoshop is here! Find out how Photoshop 3D printing capabilities let you create, perfect, preview, and print your 3D designs.

L2590 - 3D Printing 101 Lab

Get started with 3D printing today! With the new 3D printing capabilities in Photoshop CC, you can create, perfect, preview, and print your 3D designs.

L2702 - Creating a Website from Scratch with Dreamweaver CC

Learn how to create a website from scratch. This is a perfect session for anyone interested in getting into web design.

S2684 - Designing Killer Websites and Apps Using Photoshop CC and Creative Cloud

Hear from Evangelist Paul Trani as he describes and demonstrates the features that make Photoshop perfect for screen design.

S2695 - Evolution of Interactivity and Motion on the Web

Join Paul Trani, Adobe evangelist, as he discusses how interactivity and animation are forever entwined in the web.

P2066 - Responsive Web & Mobile Experiences

This hands-on lab offers an in-depth look at the best practices of responsive web design for designers creating web content.

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