I’m hitting the road again with my good friends and fellow evangelists Jason Levine and Terry White! We’ll be extensively in North America bringing the latest hotness in Creative Cloud to your city, or at least close to it. So make the trip and we’ll make sure it’s worth it for you.
I’m really excited about this tour because it allows us to dive deep into some amazing technology and pro tips. The new stuff is going to blow you away. But we don’t stop there because we’ll also have some very inspirational guests at many of our locations. Those types of people you’re just jealous of because they’re so good. So check out the schedule and sign up now. It’s free, and we even plan on giving away lots of 1-year Creative Cloud memberships. As for me, I’m selfishly looking forward to all the amazing creatives out there to get inspired myself. Below are the major stops but we’re also excited to go to smaller cities across North America. The places in red are the locations I’ll be presenting. Come join me!