mapI’m very excited to be joining my good friends Jason Levine and Rufus Deuchler on a tour throughout Europe, Russia and even a stop in South Africa.

I’ll be covering web/mobile, Jason will be covering video and Rufus, design. And we plan on making jaws drop with all the cool features we’re prepared to show.

The things I have in store for those interested in web and mobile design/development is pretty amazing.

  • Great CSS export features from Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Dreamweaver has a new, modern UI with the new CSS Designer panel, making it easy to add an edit CSS.
  • Reflow has had constant updates, including the ability to preview your design directly on a device using Edge Inspect (built into Reflow)
  • Animate is my favorite! Giving you motion paths! In fact, better than has been implemented in any product in the past. So easy and helpful to use. And lets not forget about built-in filters!
  • Edge Code gives you the ability to add a ton of extensions. Making its capabilities virtually limitless!

Lets not forget about the Creative Cloud features we’ll be showing off:

  • Share files and collaborate on folders! Giving the ability to have versioning and comments that stay with the file.
  • Previewing files in the browser (INDD, PSD, AI etc.)
  • Typekit fonts available on the desktop! 
  • Behance Prosite. Giving you creation/hosting of a portfolio site.
  • 20G of storage .
  • Creative Cloud Training. We have getting started and more advanced topics. Sure we don’t have a library like has but we’ll build a strong library over time.
  • 5 hosted websites using Business Catalyst.

Join us! Here are the tour locations/dates:

Join us!!

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