The Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite 6 have been launched and now it’s time to hit the road with my partners-in-crime Terry White, Jason Levine and Rufus Deuchler. Sadly, 15-year road warrior, evangelist and mentor Greg Rewis has moved on and won’t be joining us. Still, we’ll be sure and toast in his honor at his favorite watering holes around the world. If we have time. There is so many great things to show in terms of video, imaging, web and mobile. And so many people to tell it to. So please, I hope you can join us at one of the locations and be part of this great launch!!

May 8, 2012 Copenhagen @ CineMaxx

May 9, 2012 Helsinki @ Finnkino

May 10, 2012 Stockholm @ Rigoletto

May 14, 2012 Oslo @ Main Stage/Aker Brygge

May 15, 2012 Prague @ Broadway Theatre

May 16, 2012 Warsaw @ Cinema Golden Terraces, ul. Gold

May 18, 2012 Istanbul @ Kanyon AVM

May 22, 2012 Belgium @ Multimania

May 23, 2012 Amsterdam @ DeLaMar Theter and User Group

May 30-31 Moscow

June 3, 2012 Dubai

June 4, Riyadh

June 6, 2012 Tel Aviv @ Cinema City, Rishon LeZion

June 11-15, London

June 18, 2012 Johannesburg

June 21, 2012 Capetown

June 26, 2012 New York

June 28, 2012 Los Angeles

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