In Flash Professional CS5: Creating a Simple Game for Android Devices, I show you how to translate your existing Flash skills from the web to mobile devices while designing a game in Flash and publishing it as an AIR for Android app. The finished application includes collision detection, random enemy creation and movement, shooting capabilities, multiple levels, and even a high score screen. This course also goes beyond game functionality and shows how to use mobile capabilities such as the accelerometer and gestures to control graphics, use the hardware keys to activate menus, and also how to optimize content so it plays well on mobile devices. Also included are instructions for distributing an app through the Android Market. Topics Include:

  • Designing for mobile platforms
  • Creating and optimizing game graphics
  • Adding random movement and interactivity
  • Moving players based on the accelerometer
  • Using gestures
  • Detecting collisions
  • Implementing audio
  • Adding scoring and levels
  • Implementing a high score screen
  • Publishing an app on both Mac and Windows
  • Uploading to the Android Market

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