Flash Camp St. LouisIn the St. Louis area this Friday? Then you should check out the St. Louis Flash Camp. One day full of great speakers in a cool venue.

Learn how to access geolocation data or learn a few golden rules that can really make or break any design or development project. Get an understanding of usability in Flash player and how to make Flash more accessible, and learn how to “tween the impossible tween” in Jacob Herberlie’s session, just to name a few.

I will also be speaking about how to design and develop Flash content for Android devices. Starting with design and optimization techniques, I will quickly move into accounting for multiple screen sizes, as well as how to tap into specific device capabilities such as gestures, accelerometer, the native keyboard, and GPS data. Finally I will show you what’s coming from Adobe in terms of publishing AIR apps for Android devices.

Check out the slides (below) and download the source files here.

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