My new title is hot off the press and available on! I’m proud of it because the creating, recording and testing process went amazingly smooth and it shows.ÂÂ

Creating a First Site in Dreamweaver CS4

So if you’re new to Dreamweaver and web design then it is the perfect course for you! All the fundamentals you need to know to get up to speed quickly.  Create a cool site fast!

Course Description:

Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS4 shows the basics of doing just that-building a first web site. Adobe Certified Instructor Paul Trani walks through the important steps of creating a web site from concept to publishing, using Dreamweaver CS4. He teaches how to create basic web pages, add text and image content, use Cascading Style Sheets for design and layout, create a photo gallery, and even check the final site for browser compatibility. He also demonstrates how to create a contact form to encourage viewer feedback on the site. Exercise files accompany the course.
Software works on: Mac and Windows.
Topics Include:
  • Exploring the Dreamweaver workspace for first-time users
  • Linking to external web pages and sites
  • Improving the presentation of text and images on the site
  • Building a layout using Cascading Style Sheets
  • Making navigation reusable across multiple pages
  • Displaying content using the Accordion widget 
  • Creating a contact form and sending data from it
  • Making the final site search engine-friendly

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