Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS4 shows the basics of doing just that—building a first web site. In this title I walk you through the important steps of creating a web site from concept to publishing, using Dreamweaver CS4. I teach how to create basic web pages, add text and image content, use Cascading Style Sheets for design and layout, create a photo gallery, and even check the final site for browser compatibility. I also demonstrate how to create a contact form to encourage viewer feedback on the site. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:

  • Exploring the Dreamweaver workspace for first-time users
  • Linking to external web pages and sites
  • Improving the presentation of text and images on the site
  • Building a layout using Cascading Style Sheets
  • Making navigation reusable across multiple pages
  • Displaying content using the Accordion widget
  • Creating a contact form and sending data from it
  • Making the final site search engine-friendly

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